Gary's Third Pottery Blog

When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

Gary's third pottery blog

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016

Sunday, January 8, 2012

lions and tigers and BEARS...and hippos and another readerpoll :)

(bears PJs last night, and now!)
The wife and are walking down to Viva for the burrito, as we so often do (you can sit on the stool by the window and watch the world go by...we counted 3 cars with windows open and dogs hanging out the JANUARY) and the wife is accosted by this black cat who is super friendly. I am like
"Oooh, lemme get a pic of you with Fu Manchu cat" and the wife is like
"I wonder what Fu Manchu is..." and I am like "Hollywood villian..I think from Flash Gordon or something" and we had a hard time telling Fu Manchu cat to stay there at his house.
Then we were at Viva, and I got the wife to pretend the hippo was chewing on HER.

Anyway, golly! These reader polls--you people are soooo fascinating. So many comments! Keep it coming! Yesterday I hear SATISFACTION by the Stones and I wonder to myself "is that the best rock song ever, my favorite???" its like popcorn and a movie--crisp and perfect and always good, but.... is ALL OF THE DAY by the Kinks better? I ask the wife
"what is your favorite song?" and she is quick
"Its by the Stones, I know that much to choose, maybe, IT'S ONLY ROCK AND ROLL or no, WILD HORSES or maybe SISTER MORPHINE..."
and I am scribbling and she is like

I slept on it. REBEL REBEL by Bowie is an old favorite.....

OK, but how about you, what is your absolute favorite song? Can you pin it down any better than us? Please go to comments and tell us!


jean said...

Hmm, I'm going to have to think about this one. There are so many.

Hilary said...

Far too many to list.. how about a top ten? Nah, even then. ;)

smartcat said...

OHHHH!! Nostalgia Trip! I just listened to Country Joe and the Fish...Vietnam Rag. But there are too many to count and I don't even listened to a lot of pop music these days.

Michèle Hastings said...

this is hard because there are sooo many for different reasons...

current faves:
Video Games by Lana Del Ray (love her voice)
Sidney by Brett Dennen

favorite sad song:
Long Ride Home by Patty Griffin

favorite good memory song:
Kind of Blue, Miles Davis - the WHOLE album. Jz always played it when it was his turn to cook dinner.

favorite classic:
Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen... every time i hear it, it brings me right back to being 15 years old and a rebellious wild child.

Shortstuff said...

Too many favs to name, but a few come to mind quickly.
Sympathy for the Devil
You Can't Always Get What you Want
Jump (used to listen to that when I'll get your feet moving)

Great picture of Maude, but the hippo can't hold a candle to your fair lady.

Anonymous said...

Genesis, The Carpet Crawlers
Elton John, Tiny Dancer
Elton John, Levon
Madness, Our House

and more!

Vicki Wenderlich said...

I couldn't decide so I went and checked my iTunes Top 25 Most Played list (it apparently keeps count?). It is about 95% country :P I can't pick a top song but clearly I have a favorite genre!

Reverend Awesome said...

I can't pin down a favorite. It all sort of depends on what mood I'm in. My favorite one month I can be totally sick of the next month, then right back into it again after giving myself a little break.

Right now: Cursive, What Have I Done?

red dirt girl said...

Oh gee ... it's constantly changing and recycling... I think Crash by Dave Matthews Band is the sexiest song I've ever heard... I'd definitely have to opt for Red Dirt Girl by Emmylou Harris ...Holocene by Bon Iver has me currently enthralled ... so many songs, so little time.

Oh and Snow Don't Fall by Townes Van Zandt !!!


JB said...

My favourite is "Changes", David Bowie who turned 65 yesterday.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I can never do this. Never. Sorry!

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I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.