So like I was saying yesterday, the kiln is broken, dozens of pots lie around awaiting their turn to be fired, and parts are on their way from Oregon...but there is a huge fair this weekend.
Time to GOOF OFF.
I was babysitting Yogi. Yogi is a good-natured golden doodle, a retriever, and he swims with his family every day in good weather. My parents have a river, a creek and a pond and live about an hour away on a large farm in the middle of a 5000 acre state forest.....
Well, certainly, when it is hot and sunny, the draw is there....
Here is the river alongside their driveway....

This is the wee creek running down into the river alongside the driveway....it is, btw, a long driveway...

Like any good retriever, you DO NOT need to show them the water: they FIND IT and jump in.
Penny and Yogi are good friends, but very different types of dogs. I left Penny beagle at home with the wife. She is all NOSE, following scents when she is in the woods, and I knew Yogi would be all PLAY and swim with me instead....he was such a good dog. My parents are, well, not in their more adventurous years, you could say, and a sweet-natured and clownish, friendly, well-behaved dog was a treat for them.
The pond lies right below the house and barns and you look at it and it takes your breath away it is so pretty, and you are like "Gary's parents have their OWN PERSONAL STATE PARK???".
Yogi's family was at work. Imagine how they feel, looking at their dog goofing off with me all day....

Yogi can be a bit shy with new people.
He loves my parents. My mom called me over "Yogi wants me to hold his paw!". He just sat there with his paw in her hand for a long time...

It was warm. The water was cool.
We were all pretty happy....later, Yogi was SOUND ASLEEP all afternoon....

Big Jimmie is jealous! We have had a number of dogs over the years and I have to say our Golden-doodle is by far the most well behaved, playful, loyal, gentle, lovable dog we have ever had. He is always up for an adventure, and loves to ride in the car. We would take him everywhere with us, but visiting with a 107lb dog in tow makes us not so welcome, no matter how great he is.
Yay Yogi and Gary, doing what everyone wants in their secret hearts to be doing in July (and August, and September!)
A great day!
What a great break from the stress of a down kiln and an upcoming show. Well deserved!
Your pictures and post made me think of Calvin and Hobbes' adventures at the swimming hole once school adjourned.
This is what summer is all about. Yogi is definitely a sweetie!
The perfect dog mini-vacation! Our Jax loves water, too. We need to take him somewhere for a swim...
That looks like fun. Just what you need before a big show and I;m certain the dogs and parents enjoyed the visit also.
You KNOW I want to buy that farm. :-)
What a perfect day!
Great use of a 'tools down' day. Yogi is a great excuse to totally enjoy the great out doors.
This looks like HEAVEN to me. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I would buy a farm like this. Jim would freak out because he knows that cats and dogs galore would follow such a purchase. Good way to goof off!
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