(drawing of Yogi by Gary Rith)
OK, so the last 2 days I have told you I have been trying to do brush drawings that are NOT detailed, just a few strokes to capture a picture, right?
You know I babysit Yogi sometimes, we walk, run, he comes over to play with our cat and dog. He is covered with adorable curls! Therefore, a series of curls, just a few, captures Yogi.
What I realize about a drawing method like this: what you do is think...in a different language. Let's say you practice speaking German....then when you arrive in Berlin you flip a switch in your brain "OK, now I am going to try to think and speak in German". It is the same, drawing like this. It feels like you flip a switch, and look at things in a different way, does that make sense?
I freaked out a little Monday. I had all these orders to ship, TEXAS! ENGLAND!!!! And the purchasers are like "yeah, this will get here in time for Christmas, right?"
and I am like *gulp*....
do you think the PO can get a package to Texas or England from NY in a week....????????????????????
my wife tells me not to worry about it
"hey, they paid...you shipped, you did your part!!!!!"
You can see Yogi came with me to the PO....YES, I have a Swiss post bag to carry parcels to the PO, suits our weather, right?
Have an awesome Thursday!

Capturing the essence must be tricky...you succeed and your analogy about thinking in another language makes sense. Happy shipping!
Oh, I see that snow and I see your boots and I hear squeaking. The kind of squeaking that hurts, like chalk on a blackboard.
I've been in the south too long. Pictures of snow are all I want. It's so pretty!
On a sled no less! I bet Yogi feels like those stuffed dogs they're selling at PetS not-so-smart. You just want to hug them. It's all I can do to not buy one for my inner grandchild. Love your take on the drawing minimal method...and keep it up!
I think you did a great job of capturing Yogi's spirit. What a cutie he is.
Love the Yogi drawing!
I never tire of the pictures of the two plying together :)
Gary's Essential Series. They are great!
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