Gary's Third Pottery Blog

When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

Gary's third pottery blog

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016

Sunday, June 20, 2010


This morning we are chowing down on the cream of wheat with blueberries and you know, the French roast in the robot mug, and the wife is like
"Omygod, its FATHER'S DAY!" and she asks "you gonna be here another minute?" and I hold up my bowl: 3 spoonfuls left, 3 sips of French roast. She dashes off and hands me this little blue gift **
I am like "????!!!! OH BOY!!!!" and she is like
"I hope you like it. The cats and the dogs worked with me to give you something nice for father's day" and I open it, with total pleasure as you see below, and discover a FREE PEN from Staples and various advertising post it notes from a vendor fair she went to last week. Free post it notes for Father's day, they love and appreciate me so much....

Judy decided to have a big wing ding potter's party for all of us Cornell potters. I know, HIDE THE CRYSTAL GLASSWARE and fine china and lock up your daughters, potter's partying!!! Here is the missus with with my badazz pals Leslie and Carol, whom you will remember from many a Friday happy hour post...

The wife is like "I want to go downtown shopping Saturday, will ya give me a ride?" and I am like, "shopping is worse than scrubbing venetian blinds, NO WAY! Unless we can get the tacos and burritos at Viva..."

I am opening a show July 2 5-8 at the Belle Melange Gallery, 210 West State St, Ithaca, NY and went over to turn over some ideas with Lisa and Mary...golly its a pretty gallery, these folks are so nice, I hope you can come to the party...

**there was also a GET FUZZY book and TWO bottles of bourbon under the father's day tree, they DO love me so :)


Liz said...

Happy fathers Day!

Anonymous said...

Happy day to you, Gary. Thanks for the nod.

Nicki said...

Great post!! Happy Father's Day to you, Gary!

Will put July 2 on the calendar. Hmm, can I make it to Ithaca two days in a row as I think Christi has an opening on the third? HMMMM...

jim said...

damn amigo... you got some booty for father's day... congrats. you know, maude's more than a pretty face and big paycheck. i didn't get any post it notes but a wonderful home made card from the bug... life is good

unmitigated me said...

As I have to work today, we are postponing Father's Day until next week, That gives my daughter a chance to hang out with the inlaws-to-be today, guilt free. Also, I am totally not prepared so it worked out to my advantage. On July 2, I will be in Northern Michigan, soaking up some nature and some manhattans. But someday, I will make it to an (and Gary) showing.

Unknown said...

Happy Father's Day, father of the Pennster. :)

I LOVE Get Fuzzy. :D

Anonymous said...

Awww that is so cute, Happy Father's Day!

Busy Bee Suz said...

You have a fathers day tree???? I love that. :0
Happy fathers Day to you! I hope your day is full of wet kisses...and not just from the critters.

Weight Loss Success Stories said...

Wish you happy Father's day 2010 and also for all my friends.

Gordo said...

Watch it pardner, there's a new sheriff in town. Nice hat, Maude! :-)

Cheryl said...

Aww..what wonderful gifts from your family! Did Maude buy the cowgirl hat?

Reverend Awesome said...

HAHA! Maude wrapped you up free swag! I love it!

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I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.