Not to get into a tedious and heated discussion, but I was wondering how many LGBT couples were there....
is it hard for them today, all this hetero hooking up in the media? Or the kind of political hatred the Russian gov't displays towards their LGBT citizens? Yet they still get to host the Olympics.....
Or is it hard for the single and lonely or bereaved, etc? I think about this sometime as a person who is very solitary: humans seem born to pair up. Why? I need a partner and am very lucky to have mine. As a matter of fact, I think humans are very lucky to want a life partner, but as the saying goes, to conservative lawmakers or what have you: "whaddya say we vote on YOUR marriage?".
Yogi came over to play with his girlfriend, our Penny yesterday. She was like "honey, I love ya but I don't have a fine winter coat like yours, I AM GOING IN". He was a little sad at that....

And in other news, these 2 cups are a remake of favorites I made many years ago, chipped in our own kitchen cupboard! I am setting those in the museum now, and we shall enjoy their replacements this Valentine's day, his and hers, a seemingly mismatched couple :) Blue inside, green and blue outside, with a delightful meetup point at the rim, as you see....

Happy Valentine's day.
Yes, brother lives in Watertown.
I think the worst thing is to feel lonely--so I'm wishing for everyone today, persecuted or free to express their love, that they have at least one person making them feel valued--lover, friend, family, neighbor, whoever.
Elegant. Love the spill of rim glazes where they meet and have rainbow blending. Happy day to celebrate Love in all it's forms.
I agree, pairs of all kinds are to be celebrated today!
Have a happy V-day.
Thanks for your supportive views Gary. I woke up this morning to reports about hate legislation being offered in several states and wondered "why do people fear love?" and "who would want to be a part of a religion that would let someone suffer because of who they love?" Sadly, many American, thankfully, not the majority. The Olympics committee choosing places like Russia and China for the games just seems wrong but I guess they are about sports, not human rights.
Where did live and let live ever go . . .
I am definitely happy to have had the same Valentine all these years. A good marriage is a wonderful thing.
I think we all need a partner in crime….and that should never be a crime.
Love seeing Yogi and Penny playing!
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