William, as in Prince William? will.i.am of the Black Eyed peas???? No. William of the Met! NY's huge museum... they have a small ceramic hippo glazed a pretty turquoise named William for an unofficial mascot ... the Egyptians who made it basically knew that hippos could be vicious man killers, and by making this cute hippo and putting it into a tomb it might help protect somebody in this world AND the next.... myself? I am trying to exorcise the bad spirits out of hippos in my life: a very difficult, nay EVIL person who was in our lives loved hippos...and so I have been trying to reclaim hippos as a cute symbol and NOT as nasty man killers, right?
Hippos are pretty damn CUTE aren't they? I made this mug and tried drawing a hippo on there...then went all zoo on it with an elephant and crocodile! It can be yours through my online etsy shoppe, get it now!

Yay blue hippos...and making them cute too. But I just can't Scream & Shout this early in the morning...later gator.
He is cute....and I love his name!
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