Last fall cousin Mark is here with his wife, my pal, Michele and daughter Catherine, who you see here sometimes, and also a variety of OTHER cousins and hangers on, and I am serving enchiladas or something (on my own bowls, plates, etc) and I come out to the back porch with the guac and find there has been a discussion:
"Mark says you make really nice plates" and he nods. It is a big compliment, I think, because cousin Mark grew up in the restaurant business and says ONLY VERY wise things. Mark is also the one who told me last summer, as I admired his argyle socks "chicks dig me because I wear argyle socks" (Bill Murry in STRIPES had said "chicks dig me because I don't wear underwear....").
All of my plates in my cupboard are odds and ends, and I HATE making plates. They are VERY easy to make and fire, but always want to crack and warp, and I would rather make hundred dollar teapots with little doggies on them. But I like my own plates for MYSELF.
So, as you know, I am horsing around with decorating schemes...and wanted a new plate for myself. Out of the kiln yesterday came a gorgeous green one...and I was feeling so generous toward MYSELF I also helped myself to a yellow cup and saucer.... it is perfect for MY HAND...the handle fits just so, and the saucer fits atop the cup to keep things warm ..... tis a rice pizza crust, in case you were wondering, mmmmm ....

Really like a saucer that fits on top to keep tea warm!
You don't like to make plates either? I thought it was just me. Maybe if there were some way to add something fun to them....Bowls on the other hand or mugs...yeah those are fun.
I don't mind making plates, it's schlepping them around that I don't love, they get heavy.
Sounds like high praise from cousin Mark!
Really? PLates are that tough to make?
Something for yourself! Hooray!
I never knew plates were a pain to make. That explains why I don't see good ones that often. I LOVE the idea of giving yourself the gift of your own pottery!
nono, wait, reread it: plates are easy to make, but they like to warp and break in drying and firing!
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