I post at least once a day, as you know all too well, except for when I don't! I don't think I will bother Friday morning, for reasons that will become VERY clear Saturday, but I am making up for it with 13 (THIRTEEN! more or less) photos and a flippin' awesome cookie recipe.
From what I understand cowboy cookies are named that because:
(according to my mom): They are called 'cowboy cookies' because they traveled well in the cowboys saddle bags when they were out on the range and did not crumble as other cookies did. The harder outer shell was ideal.
although I myself am not a fan of hard cookies at all and my new recipe is decidedly and pleasantly SOFT.
I had never heard of them until my best pal Claudia made them the other day, mmm mmm they look good! She made them for roofers..in the rain! Any cookie that could satisfy roofers in Florida rain has GOT to be special.
The idea is you make an oatmeal-choco chip cookie and throw other things in.
I saw them and I was like "I wanna make them...vegan!" and holy CATS is this recipe spectacular! Forget cowboys and roofers: they are totally cat and Missus Tastycakes approved. **** I chose this particular recipe because: it is simple, vegan, and I had these particular ingredients in my cupboard! MAKE THEM TODAY.

In other news, Peter from next door comes over with his mother last week and is like "WOW, I really like that mug there!" and I tell him "thanks, funny you should mention it, I have never made that form until today and I REALLY like it too!" and then I glaze it with a glaze experiment (take one of my light green glazes and double the copper OH WOW I love it! and sure, yes, I do have quite a few different light green glazes, don't I?).
The one with the elephant on the right.
It came out of the kiln and I washed it and I am USING IT NOW.
Don't worry, I am making more like it...

FINALLY, I was headed over to Yogi's house to babysit him and horse around! My neighbor Tom sees me walk Yogi and is like "That dog is such a PONY! He looks huge with you but even bigger with his mama!". His mama is, well, quite tiny....
ANYWAY, I asked the wife to come along, as Yogi has a yard with a very pretty old barn, and she wanted me to take portraits and it seemed like old barn boards would be a nice backdrop, and it WAS!
Have a great weekend, see you Saturday....

Morning Gary. Cowboy Cookies are my Handyman's favorite. (We call them Cowpatties). I make them for his birthday and Christmas, next baking day, I'll surprise him. I always add butterscotch chips.
Love your mug colors.
As for Yogi looking large, wait until he's full grown. Jimmie the Giant sounds like a pony when he runs on our property. When he comes by you at full speed, after a squirrel, the ground shakes. Make sure Yogi learns, at this age, not to run into you playing because eventually he will knock you over.
How did I miss "cowboy cookies" having grown up in Montana? Giddiyap and pass that coffee for dunking!
that does sound good! And those cups look kind of like beehives :-) <3
Thank you for the vegan recipes, we have a friend who is vegan and it's nice to have so many tested, tasty foods to share with him when we visit.
Looks like you all had fun!
Those are some fine mugs! Cookies and barns and puppies.....with a cat or two thrown in for good measure....sounds good to me.
Did you know that large dogs don't finish getting all the growth until they are two; they mostly get sturdier and stronger!
I've always called those Ranger Cookies, but I have no idea why,
Glad your cookies came out. That flax egg thing is interesting. I always wondered what you did to replace the egg.
LOVE the new mug shapes!!!
Gorgeous pics of the Misses too!
Those cookies have EVERYTHING in them! Yum!
Gary, when are you going to finally write that cookbook that we all know you have brewing inside you???
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