(I told you last week about revisiting an old idea for elephant cups, here are some, freshly fired, mmmmmm!)
Thanks for listening to my story in yesterday's post. I find it interesting that people warn ME to be safe---I do not worry about that dude for myself! He is just creepy-weird, and apparently fixates on women alone. I suspect I will see him around the neighborhood today, as we all do, and as I say, I plan to tell him to stay away from us. In the aftermath of yesterday's incident, I felt jingly-jangly, and in the mood to....well, make my cutest and brightest work. It is like a repetitive OHM....I started making cows jumping over the moon (fired one in the middle below) and after some of those felt myself again and moved on to pigs...sharks, crocs....

You probably need something like those cow jumping over the moon pieces I am making, and there is one at my online etsy gallery indeed!

Cow Over the Moon! Way to go They are such happy jumpers.
BTW, the beer bread is amazing and incredible with barbecued. pulled pork.
There is a photo of Godzilla hatching over on icanhas-dot-cheezburger-dot-com-slash-page-slash-two. Well it says it's a turtle but we know better
I love those elephant mugs!
I'm sorry you felt that way, but I do love the phrase "jingly-jangly". Those elephant mugs....awesome!
Jingly Jangly? yep, I've felt that too.
love the cows mooning!
Perhaps the best way to feel NORMAL after all the crazy goings-on is to swing the total opposite direction. It helps bring some wonderfulness back into the world, yes?
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