NOBODY knows this house better, inside or out, than Steven. He tells me his ego is not hurt by our a different color scheme.... its nice to hire a guy to paint that you don't have to explain the job to. The first step was to clear all the flowers and vines from the porch, the side of the house and the picket fence. (yes, even our fence gets new paint!!!! yipppeeeee!) I helped a little with that, although Steven and his machete (remember machetes in the movie WALK HARD??? Gulp!) then he power washed the whole place. The old paint job has held up really well, so prep for him is going quickly. Scaffold and scraping and primer today, won't take him too long....

Last look at the flowers, vines, old purple color scheme...look down a couple of posts to last week if you want to see the new color scheme, or come back later this week to see it completed!

I have painted houses in my youth and have zero interest in doing so again. I am NOT a handy person with repairs and gardening (I am a whiz in the kitchen, as you know! the wife is the handy one)
Anyway, it is a super busy week with a big fair this weekend....nice beer steins down here, yes?

No more purple? How will anyone find you now?
you said it, the neighborhood landmark GONE!
I'd paint my house purple in honor of your former purple, and to keep the purple tradition alive, but my husband, the designer, probably won't go for it. Green it stays. Can't wait to see the new colors on your hacienda.
I am with you on the house painting thing. I had a house in NH that it seemed we were painting one side or another every year... we finally, GASP... went vinyl!
... don't worry about losing your vines - if they are like the ones on our little log cabin gallery, they will be back in full force in no time. Jeff has cut ours back each year and in a matter of months they nearly climbing in the windows again.
we had ZERO vines in April and !!!!!! a boatload here at summer's end!
Goodbye, Purple!
I can't wait to see it when it is done. Like you, I can live without doing the painting ever again!
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