Midnight and the cat
Thumping and crashing downstairs!
Catching a rat....
Blegh! So, all this noise downstairs, I run down and Spike has nearly killed Mickey's BIG brother....typical fall, right? Temps get down to the 30s and those dudes move INSIDE.
Let's wash away those horrible memories with these awesome mama and child sculptures I made....

Dear Spike and Gary,
Thanks for taking care of that. We should wash our paws frequently today.
Capital M/Mrs. Potsblog
We used to have a few large mice coming into the house (what with living in a woodland) until some people moved in with a caravan cat. It did the trick!
P.S. Caravan cat is not a new breed - it is folk living in a caravan who have a cat.
Mice and rats freak me out. They not only spread illness they carry fleas and other things too disgusting to mention! It seemed to take forever to get rid of the fleas....anything more than a week feels like forever!
Glad to see Spike is a mouser. The previous group we had would see a mouse and look like, "Gee, somebody should do something about that!"
I would much rather look at pig and dog and babies!
Spike is a hero!!!
YES to Spike...the conquering hero..tho who took the body out? Or did it limp on its own?
On another note...your mom & kid sculptures are adorable!
Congratulations Spike- give that cat extra biscuits!!
The worst part of the rat episode: grabbing its tail, per usual with rodent disposal, and heading outside whereby my sleepy self went to toss it into the bushes and accidentally whacked its head against the porch railing...and it fell down into the dark dog yard. SO at midnight, there is me, searching around in the dark for a rat....which I eventually found...dead by then...and successfully tossed out into the bushes...
It is a full-time job here keeping the mice, etc, away from both the barn and the house. Some weasels moved in and ate most of the mice and rats, but then we had hungry weasels eating the heads off our quail. Not cool.
So we had to kill the weasels, and the mice are back. Full-time job keeping the mice away from the house again. Sigh.
Good thing the neighbors cat has a thing for gophers and mice, but doesn't like birds. :)
Nice job Spike! Thankfully if we have mice and rats they are smart enough not to come near a house with 3 cats.
and cute pink piggies!
general consensus amongst the neighbors is that it is a BIG mouse, rats are (shudder!) bigger!
blegh, big mouse indeed: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_mouse our dude was 4 ish inches long with a 4 ish inch long tail
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