This is another one of those days, when the fridge is full to bursting with awesome veggies and I am like "I gotta can some of this, no WAY can I make THAT MUCH zuccini bread and pasta" so
ONCE again I made zucchini relish which we love love love....and it uses up every single stray veggie in the fridge...
OK, so Saturday? We take the bikes out for the BIG ride on what was probably the prettiest September 1 EVER and...well, along the East Hill rail trail is, um, a store we like and, well, the chair the wife has been looking at for months was, um, on sale...with its friend, the wee table....the owner closed in an hour... I said "what if we pay and come back in less than hour with the car?" and so we did...and loaded up all that in and on our tiny car....
I am talking with the wife, guiltily, about our full house and she cleverly mentions
"the village has its town fund raiser junk sale next week...we can donate those 2 old chairs of ours that we aren't using!" and it feels RIGHT to move OUT 2 crappy old pieces to make way for 2 GORGEOUS pieces....

Looooove horses...... Cornell has horses all over the place...for the polo team, for the agriculture school, for the vet school.....
There is a public works project of some kind in Ithaca...different artists invited to paint utility boxes around town....holy cats some of them are AMAZZZZZing...

so nice when something you have been admiring goes on SALE! good score.
and those utility boxes are very cool
Chair and table are majorly awesome! Whadda deal! Love those boxes, too, especially the dinosaurs. Just a kid at heart, ya know. And Spike and Penny are so dear.
Hugs, and ear-skritches to the furkids.
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