Stephen has another week to go, but you get the idea pretty clearly now....

Spike watches the painting from inside....
coming along....

view from the street

Spike says "they are painting to match my eyes...just like he has glaze to match my eyes...and covered the couch to match my eyes and...... (maybe this is the best pic of these guys ever, like a Sears portrait!)

I had a blood donation appointment for double reds. I have always been over 130 pounds, but lately way under. I weighed myself at the YMCA just before, and even dressed, with shoes, keys, a belly full of lunch, a camera and a book they would NOT let me do the double red donation which requires 130 pounds +. I guess I have been pretty active in recent months....anyway, they sure did line me up for a regular blood donation though....blegh, don't look at this picture!

The house is looking great, Gary. I know you and Maude must be thrilled. Love the pix of Spike peeking out the window to watch the goings on.
I guess Les and i are both up early! Love the colors- so sweet.
Early Birds United!
I like the new look of the house. Now people can give directions the way we do in this area...."Where the purple house used to be!"
a) that is most definitely a sears magazine picture. hit the nail on the head.
b) you should leave the door purple. almost as an homage "we welcome the new, but we remember the past"
c) why haven't I commented in forever??? I'm terrible.
The color is so fresh and pretty!!!!
You are awesome for donating...even if you couldn't pull a 'double'!
The house looks good- Foreman Spike is doing a good job!!
The house is looking fabulous! Proof of your superior color choices. :)
Plus, think how lovely the iris will be next year, blooming against such a contrasted background instead of just blending in.
It's not fair how some people get older and have trouble keeping the weight on, while others of us have trouble keeping the weight from doubling! NOT FAIR AT ALL!!
Drink more beer and consume more calories in general to make up for all that you have been exercising off. And if that doesn't keep the weight up, maybe make a an appt. with the doc. Really. Please! After my mom's experience with cancer, I have become a worrier about unexplained changes in health.
Thanks for the concern, but I have seen the Dr. 3 times: I am VERY healthy :) You did not know me in my athletic marathon days, but lets just say I have gone back to them :)
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