We live very near Six Mile Creek Winery and they invite me over to display stuff and hang out. You will recall I was there last year, and this year the wife came along...to taste, to ride the tractor, all the good times....
Garrulous Gary? I feel so healthy and happy lately I find myself yakking it up with any old stranger...blah blah blah! This is so unlike me with my shy reputation, but I am going with it, and realizing that, um, well, is the root of Gary "garrulous"? Have I grown into it?
Then you look up garrulous and its more than talkative, and, well, yeah, I can blab about nothing, but being talkative sure as hell sells a lot of pots ;)
"having the habit of talking a lot, especially about things which are not important"

The best way to get ready for a weekend fair is certainly with a puff pancake filled with apples...oh MAN....Spike agrees....

what a great way to spend the day selling pots... and that puff pancake filled with apples looks delicious.
Apple pancakes, wineries, and pots? What a great day!
And that huge bowl!!!!!!
And don't forget, people who have imbibed are more likely to be a bit less tight with their money! ;)
Looks like you had a great time! :)
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