(Godzilla dismembering and eating a person while making a rude gesture, sculpture by Gary Rith)
I am NOT saying the above is the s3xiest thing you have ever seen in your life, but maybe, like me, you have that sick sense of humor, and you find it amusing.
I was thinking, actually, that the wife here should probably consider it a FACT that I am her own personal baker boy, all that chocolate yumminess, made just for her. So this picture below is her dream: me holding up a plate of chocolate cookies*** wearing only a smile....but I shouldn't put words in her mouth, ideas in her head, .....
ANYWAY, looking ahead to Valentine's, what is your ONE FACT and what is your DREAM? S3xyhawt versions optional, please go to comments and let us know!

(Penny was like "that plate looks a little tippy, bet he drops it then they are MINE" bwahaha!)
***amazing chocolate chip cookies from the newspaper
I was poking through an actual newspaper recently and saw these simple and tasty cookies and wanted to try them...what amazed me was I put these little spoons of dough on the pan and they became these HUGE cookies! Magic!
--preheat oven to 350
-put 3 tbs. softened margerine in bowl, add an egg, stir around a lot, then add 2 tbs. oil, stir some more, then 1 tsp. vanilla and 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/4 cup white sugar---stir it all around
-add into that 1/2 cup whole wheat flour, 1/2 cup white flour and 1/2 teas. baking soda, stir entirely, then
-add 1/2 cup or more of chocolate chips and 1/2 cup or more walnuts or pecans, stir one last time
-scoop spoonfuls onto baking sheet--recipe says 20 cookies, I made 11...
-bake 10 minutes, cool on wire rack, YOWZA! BE the s3xyhawt baker of your own household this weekend!!!!
One Fact? two boys with two major projects due this coming week will not make for a fun weekend.
A Dream??? That I won't have to cook dinner on my birthday this week :)
I do find the Godzilla very amusing. :) I must have a sick sense of humor too.
FACT - I am one of those dragon collectors you have mentioned, and when I bought glass dragon figurines I got to see how they were being made in a torch, which is how I got into lampworking. Thanks, dragons!
DREAM - (literal version, somewhat related to your recent work endeavors) I was dreaming about playing with a cat, and later, in a separate dream, I told someone, "Hey, earlier I dreamed about your cat!" (This cat was neither Spike nor Scotia, however, it was a cat and person that I don't know IRL.)
DREAM - (intended version) My students do crazy-well on the first midterm.
Well, must say we think a bit in the same track or something like that...
Take a look at my christmas Godzilla I made before I could work on a pieces for a christmas show... It shows the kind of mood I was in :-)
You did say looking forward to Valentine's Day so FACT: This will be the second year in a row that I'm not single but still without a date.
DREAM: That something romantic will happen to me again some day.
Wearing only a smile hmm? Guess the blog post on the 14th wont have pictures with it :0
FACT: Koreans make excellent chocolate, and I WILL indulge on Valentine's Day!
DREAM: My childhood companion-horse showed up in a dream recently. I was amazed to see him, as I didn't think horses lived to be 69 years old. In the dream, I thought, "Roy Roger's horse Trigger only lived to be 33!"
Fact: The sexiest thing I have seen in my life was the night of my first pottery class at the NH Institute of Art and the teacher walked in. I thought, this is will be an enjoyable class cause the teacher is HOT (and his initials were JB).
Dream: Last night I dreamed that I was doing a street show and there were a lot ne'r do wells hanging about. When I went to pack up my car at the end of the day someone had stolen the trailer hitch off my SUV.
Fact: I am feeling out of whack...but I will be back!
Dream: again, it has to do with a housekeeper...keeping my house in order.
Maude is one lucky gal!
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