When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....
WRITE TO ME! garyrith@yahoo.com Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10;
December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar.
All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
its just a little bunny....
There are bunnies everywhere, is that true at your house also? I have been drawing this particular round running bunny all week and these are the first items with him on there. I am super pleased. I made a bunch more to fire today, in advance of a 3 day fair I have this weekend, GULP! It is a great fair, no pressure, treated wonderfully by the organizers, who treat us better than ANY fair I have ever done...but....its 3 LONG days and temps expected to be quite hot. I will fill the cooler with ice packs and water indeed....anyway...as for today, I am faint... FAINT I TELL YOU!...with hunger...as I need to do a cholesterol test, blood draw, etc and they...SOB...won't let me eat until after, at 8! getting through a lot of black coffee right now, though :)
(bowls by Gary Rith)
Oh I do love that bloomin' rabbit! We had a rabbit, Mr. Bun, who was the biggest wild rabbit I've ever seen. (Well it was probably Mrs. Bun but...) He would stand just out of range of our shepherd on her run and jump up and down and generally thumb his nose at the dog! Love those rabbits....look like they are going to hop right off the plate.
I hope you're drinking lots of water with that coffee, you have to pre-hydrate for the heat (ask any athlete). Best of luck with the test, did you study;-)
Oh I do love that bloomin' rabbit! We had a rabbit, Mr. Bun, who was the biggest wild rabbit I've ever seen. (Well it was probably Mrs. Bun but...) He would stand just out of range of our shepherd on her run and jump up and down and generally thumb his nose at the dog!
Love those rabbits....look like they are going to hop right off the plate.
P.S. I hope the tests go well. Isn't the prep a PITA?
Hope you do well at your show! Best of luck (and other forms of good wishes).
it seems there are an abundant of rabbits this year and now they are hopping on to pots!
I hope you're drinking lots of water with that coffee, you have to pre-hydrate for the heat (ask any athlete). Best of luck with the test, did you study;-)
So cute, how lovely! Hope you feel better soon : o
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