Appalling, isn't it? Take my word for it, no animals or bloggers were harmed in making this series of photos.
Let's write a limerick, shall we?
Nearly 6 years writing a blog,
So what's the deal today with the dog?
Remember DOOCE and Chuck?
Her mutt, the one who did suck,
Down, pointed stick and all, a corndog....
And, of course, he passed it all the way through, safely and healthily....
the point? All famous bloggers know that when they are out of posts, get your dog, get your camera, try something new. I don't think Penny has ever worn my glasses before now.....

Penny kinda looks like you when she is wearing your glasses.
Such a happy girl. I have 5 dogs, I could fill up a week of posts with dogs wearing my glasses!
Cat on my lap reading your blog...purrr.
Penny looks even smarter wearing glasses!!! :)
Awwww. Puppy love!
The photo of you and Penny nuzzling into one another is just darling.
She's beautiful! (I'll do a dog post first thing in the morning.)
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