I am nuts about rice. If you have food allergies, you are nuts about rice. Apple sauce, bananas and peanut butter too, which I eat by the ton.
The wife was talking about a friend's gluten-free recipe for almond crackers, a paleo-GF type thing that involved, I think, boiling and straining almonds and then....sounded a little complicated. So I set out to find a rice cracker recipe. OMFG I am glad I did!
People ask if you save money making the effort to bake and cook your own. Yes. You do. Generally more nutritious too, because you control the fats, sugar and salt. I have no problem buying rice crackers or chips because they are not expensive, but gawdamn, this was FUN, and so EASY. And the oven was already hot because I made lemon poppyseed muffins (this recipe, but with less sugar and added poppyseeds and no icing) The thrifty and efficient cook always warms the oven once for a bunch of baked goods, right?
Making your own rice crackers is as simple as brown rice flour, water, olive oil, salt, a pinch of sugar, rolling the dough out on a cookie sheet and baking (rice cracker recipe click here). You figure now you've made it once, next time you will add poppyseeds or sesame seeds or....anything!

Actually I wasn't wondering how to make rice crackers at home. I was thinking how tomorrow's forecast of 34 degrees Celcius (93F) will feel positively like Winter after today's top of 44C (111 F.) I'll just go look at your photos of ice and snow again and see if it cools me off.
I love rice crackers, but the ones I get locally always have sesame seeds on them. Can't wait to try these.
I bet they taste WAAAY better than store bought.
I think you could go crazy with flavors for the rice crackers. Sort of like those expensive flat bread crackers at the store that have rosemary and seeds and sea salt. Yum! Those muffins look awesome too. You're my GF baking inspiration!
You rock, Gary.
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