(me, at the barber--I am outside all the time in winter and have permanent HAT HEAD...you'd never guess the flat mess on my head is actually curly....)
Rather busy.
The calendar looked halfway free Wednesday, after an insanely busy Tuesday...but Wednesday filled up and suddenly it was dinner time and I was wiping the clay off my hands and looking for the corkscrew....
Good GOLLY it is all fun, though.
Now I have been asked to teach again. I said YES. Luckily that doesn't start till summer, so I can put OFF that particular anxiety attack for awhile
(summer????????????? is that where, you know, it doesn't snow??????? I can't remember anymore.....).
Isn't this picture wonderful? I walked Nook to Ithaca Falls. It is the largest waterfall inside Ithaca, entirely frozen, along with the whole creek in that area. People have been walking around in the snow under and around it, which seems VERY scary to me, I mean, the water is DEEP under that ice, but how strong is the ice...?
YES, my Australian friends, waterfalls CAN FREEZE.

Kiko's family has a giant dragonfly in the yard. Hilarious, eh?
Have a great Thursday!

the dragon fly looks even cooler with the snow on top!
Such cute selfies!
I love that dragonfly!
I want that dragonfly!
It would be easy to lose that dog in the snow! Incognito.
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