New mugs by me. That wintry one? I started thinking "I want a penguin on there! And a polar bear...and now to tie it together..." so the blowing cloud went in the middle.
We have accumulated snow on the ground in the feet. Not a lot of feet, but some feet. It has arrived a few inches at a time, and stuck around. My mother-in-law in the south was on the phone yesterday and says
"it is cold, 20 degrees!"
"here is zero and falling and we havn't seen the ground in a few months"
"the snow has covered the ground for months...just snow, no grass, who knows what is under there? I forget...".
People who do not live in the north must assume that if it snows, it melts soon. Like it does for them. Not us. Weeks and months of white stuff piling up ... this is all average for us, Boston has it worse...
Have an awesome day yerself!

Love the blowing cloud on your winter mug...but penguins don't have belly buttons (not that it really matters).
The penguin is CUTE.
Love the penguin and the polar bear!!! Sorry about the cold. I do not miss the months of snow on the ground.
Your home looks lovely, even when it's surrounded by snow.
Yup, we're getting tired of the snow and cold also. And slippery roads..
What happens when the snow is that deep? Does it eventually melt? Or is it so rock hard that you have to dig it up?
Have you seen your loca visitors bureau website lol? They are suggesting Key West ;)
Love the winter mugs!
lovely house...awesome snow...
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