I am totally in love with Asian teardrop shaped bottles or vases. What a perfect, natural form! Wouldn't you want to make your own version of the dude above? So, lately, I explore the variations and toss on some leaves....

(new pottery by Gary Rith)
When I taught high schoolers I showed them this whole video (just a few minutes for the potter here), which portrays a number of Japanese artists designated National Treasures, just as we designate historic sites and have a national poet. A recognition that these folks carry on an ancient artistic tradition. We talked about this when I was in college, where I was trained to follow that path (well, as much as an American in Vermont could follow ancient Japanese or Korean pottery aesthetics). These few minutes, watching this fellow, is very moving....
Love the Japanese joy of simple beauty. As well as national treasures of artists and craftsmen.
Beautiful vases, all of them.
In North Carolina (as well as some other states) they award artists a Living Treasure Award. Cynthia Bringle (who I’ll be working with in the spring) is one. http://library.uncw.edu/archives_special/special/north-carolina-living-treasures
Irregularities applauded, celebrated, perhaps I should show this video to some of my students.
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