I was dreaming of back when I was a teacher. The last gig I had 20 years ago was teaching high school students who had learning disabilities.
In the dream I had one student I KNEW if given a chance would shine in high school and get into a good college, and I was trying to convince a college recruiter it was true. Later I come across the recruiter who had finally met the student.... who was having a fight in the hallway and yelling and screaming. OH BOY.... I felt his chances just went down the drain. Then my class was filled with loud noise and chaos... I was glad to wake up, peek into the cooling kiln and see juicy items and be a potter once again :)
I was walking Nook downtown last week and in a shop window saw these green ripply glasses. Later I walked Penny past the window. The I walked the wife past the window and said "LOOK! I love them". I never spend money, but we agreed on getting 2. The next day I went back and got 2 more... then I made these light blue mugs in a similar ripply way....
Have an awesome Sunday!

Nice take on the glasses! Sometimes you just have to have something!
Happy Solstice!
Lovely green glass! We hardly every spend money either but over the last year we have bought a few hand blown glasses and just love them.
Perfect glasses for cool drinks on warm summer days.
I definitely would have bought those green glasses too!
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