Anyway, the wife was in NY city Saturday and, YES, I work home alone all the time, but this was different: I had the early hair appt. with Michelle then HOME DEPOT! Woohoo! I got 3 projects started later and....well, dropped 2 of them. The wife is the fixit around here, and she needs to use her expertise, although you will see that I DID succeed in stripping paint off the ancient doorknob, looks soooo nice now....but anyway, LATER, of course, my running buddies came over and we did a quick 5 miles (well, quicker than if we had run 6 miles) and then we opened the BEERS and I baked a know we were having fun because I forgot to get any pictures of THAT! (rare for me, I know!) The wife called in the middle of that mess with my friends and I was like "sorry, too busy having fun to talk..."

No, that hannging green thing isn't a mouse! Poor plant. Great doornob. Great refreshments. Hope mousie got some crumbs...oh oh, you don't want that, do you!
I think investing in mouse trap would be less catastrophic than letting Spike loose in the studio!
pretty door knob
Nice doorknob, Gary! If you do get a trap be sure it's a good one. We had some that were mousie buffets!
Spike needs to learn Kliban's Mousie Song!
Love them little mousies;
Mousies what I like to eat!
Bite they little heads off;
Nibble on they tiny feet!
I am still trying to figure out how a ten lb. cat can knock over a 25 lb. plus planter!
Good looking foccacia
Lol! I'm almost 100% positive that cats do things like that knowing exactly what the response will be.
mouse trap hint... peanut butter is the perfect bait.
Spike is a curious cat.
Spike in your studio is probably a bit like the proverbial bull in a china shop...
Definitely time for a mouse trap! I second the PB bait.
And when the wife is away in the city, the beers come out and the bread looks pretty! (Pretty darn tasty, I bet!)
Oh, Spike. That looks like the time that my Lily dumped over my small lemon tree.
Oh dear, thats quite an adventurous cat!
Who would ever paint over that gorgeous door knob??? Good for you for stripping it back to it's original glory. You'd pay big bucks for one of those at an antique shop.
Spike dropped that plant to help you realize that it was root bound and needed a bigger pot. He was just trying to help. So sayeth the cat lady. :)
Focaccia...good idea!
Oh my gosh, Spike standing up on his back legs is the funniest! He looks like a toddler in furry pajamas!
Good gosh, Spike is a little...chubby!
That door knob looks fabulous!
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