Gary's Third Pottery Blog

When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....

Gary's third pottery blog

WRITE TO ME! Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

hospice: speaking of eating cars and end of life issues....

I swear this post has nothing to do with the squirrel that jumped under the front wheels of my car yesterday...I was going slowly!  Where did he come from, and WHY?  That horrible thump...that lifeless little body squashed back there in the road.... poor thing.

ANYWAY, you will see below the amusing photos of me and my work and my large afternoon snack...just like I was saying yesterday!  Inspired by Blondie, 30 some years ago.....but first, let me tell you these things:

We may be rejected for many reasons, but Penny and I are possibly moving along as therapy dog and person.  YES, we will continue to visit the senior living center each week as we have for months.  BUT we may also undergo training in hospicare.  Hospice, as you know, is managing end of life issues for terminally ill patients.  People who are in pain and can't really go anywhere.  Last night I began what might be a long amount of training, which will include Penny, in hospicare.  Or we will not make it into the program (Penny is super sweet, but not obedient or intelligent....HOWEVER, she is a champion cuddler and that is what is most needed...I mean, she sees a bed and she doesn't hesitate to jump in!)
So, basically, what is it like to work in hospicare?  The team leader talks about it being very different from anything he ever thought it would be.  If I think about it, I suppose I would be scared and nervous, but I am not.  I am excited and I hope I am accepted.  How can we appreciate life if we don't face death?


Shortstuff said...

Gary, you are a jewel. I hope you make it. I think you would be a great asset if for nothing other than your great attitude (oh and your cuddly cute beagle).

Anonymous said...

Gary, I'd take cuddly over smart any day. When my neighbor was in her last weeks, her little dog Koko would always bring a smile. They let us bring him in once a week.
Your smile alone will help, but your smile with Penny...priceless.


Lori Buff said...

It sounds like Penny is really smart, she gets to cuddle in beds and doesn't have to do tricks for it. It's really wonderful of you to do this with her. I'm certain the recipients appreciate it very, very much.

ang design said...

i love your monsters that ate tthe cars that ate paris!!! you are awesome G3

Michèle Hastings said...

You will come away with so much if you and Penny get into this program! JZ had hospice care at home during the last 6 weeks of his life. It is a tremendous support. Our cat Sophie gave him such comfort during that time. Penny will do the same for hospice patients.
Hospice allows people to face death with dignity and without fear. After my experience I am no longer afraid of dying.
Best wishes, you two are perfect for the job.

JB said...

Great eating car photo!
We were watching a Blondie music video the other week and decided that Rapture was a very early rap song. Embryonic rap we declared and applauded her performance.

gz said...

((hugs)) to you all.

hope you both succeed

gz said...

ps. mountain man didn't want anyone to know he was ill, so never got treatment, so when he did get to hospital he was too ill to go to the local hospice. Where you don't get to stay more than a week as space is short......
He would have loved a visiting Penny.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

You have heart, Gary. ♥

My mom often didn't want anything touching her those last few months. Her poor cat was so confused... It's good for me to read here that there are people who are comforted by pets during their final days. It makes me think that perhaps her issues (mom's, not the cat's!) had to do with denial of pain.

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I am a full-time studio potter, sculptor, and dog walker, married to superhawt Missus Tastycake.