ALSO, I had told you the wife needed a pencil cup, and I was like "make it a beagle!"
OK, let's talk spider...scroll down to look at that monster. Penny wanted to eat it, I would not let her. Later she ate a fly and a moth, so she still had a good day, but what is that thing? I need to check with my pal Erin, otherwise known as Summer. She is, for real, a PHD student of bugs at Cornell...and I am sure she might be able to help with giant arachnids.....
this has basically an unmarked black-grey body, with black-grey legs that have white stripes. ICK!

You might need these mugs, for sale now with other great stuff, at my online etsy gallery!
What is this, is autumn the season for the creepy crawlies? Penny doesn't seem to mind, though. She is braver than I am.
she is a handsome spider!
its like, the Godzilla of spiders, NOT the friendly Charlotte!
I think it is a type of orb weaver which narrows it down slightly I s'pose
we have those spiders too. our neighbor Phil told me a few months ago, when i asked him to get rid of a BIG spider in my bathroom, that the big ones are not the ones to be afraid of... watch out for the little spider... brown recluse.
i still don't want those big ones in the house!
Yes yes, I agree that I think it is an orb weaver. A big-ole female that just laid a million eggs, which is why she looks deflated. My mom always called them "porch spiders." So disappointing to find out that's not an official classification...
Big as a beagle's nose!
OH! It occurs to me that I have kept my name out of all of my blog entries so that it doesn't show up if I'm searched. Can you shorten my name to just first name? Thanks!
PORCH spider, there on my porch, HA! And, she, like, just had a zillion babies, ON MY PORCH? Crap. My apologies about your name and thank you very much, everybody, for your input :)
Well I'm not fond of spiders but they keep showing up in posts, this morning. Better there than in my house. Penny sure is staring the little creepy crawly down.
Thank goodness for Penny for keeping the house safe from creepy crawlies. My Jackson;s favorite pursuit is hunting down crickets in the yard.
No Penny! Stay away from creepy spider!!!!
Love the bowl! Love the beagle pencil cup.
No can love the spider: my unconditional love has conditions, knowwhatImean?
OMG Spiderzilla, Penny watch your nose...gosh a whopper spider for sure...
Really, really, love the pots Gary, we love them! Wonderful, but of course you are wonderful so how could they not be wonderful! :)
Spiders make me want to punch a baby.
Oh, wait, that is really mean.
Spiders make me want to punch a spider!!!!! EEEEKkkk!
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