We brought Penny and peanut butter sandwiches. It was like 72 and sunny, golden trees everywhere, and Cooperstown's waterfront and mountains are absolutely beautiful.
ANOTHER BONUS: driving home we wondered if we would find Butternuts Brewery. You hear me talk about cow beer or pig beer, because there are cows or pigs on the Butternuts Brewery cans. We tripped over the brewery and did a sudden pull off--I was so excited! I love cow beer and pig beer! So, the brewery is in this old barn in the middle of nowhere, run by CHUCK, seen here. There are no visitor centers or tastings or anything, just big tanks, a canning machine, Chuck, and a woman in the background enjoying a pint. There is all kinds of construction going on outside, who knows what Chuck here is planning? Like maybe that tasting bar and store we all might like to visit...We told Chuck we had looked long and hard to find him and that we love the beers, the cans, and the website.
Oh I LOVE fun road trips. I was just telling Brian the other day that we needed a road trip to somewhere fun... just like Cooperstown! :)
P.S. I bet Chuck LOVES his job!
BWA HA HA HA! The pig beer website is hilarious.
amigo, i might have to make that trip when i go visit home. it must be a beautiful place for someone in ithaca to say that because that's the way i felt about ithaca when i visited you.
I didn't know there were other cool things to do in Cooperstown other than the Baseball Hall of Fame. I would love to visit there sometime.
We went to Cooperstown for our anniversary a few years ago and it was such fun. We went to the farmer's museum and stayed at this little motel up the road that's right on the lake. They also had a special where you got 2 coffee mugs and a gift certificate at the Otesaga Inn complimentary with your stay. I would love to go back- especially this time of year.
What a great trips. You and Maude look fabulous. And the beer - interesting. Hilarious website!! I love the svelte swimming pigs.
Nice 'stache on the brewer.
Wow great blog...love the brewery, and the fact that you have found another venue to show your gorgeous wares and sell them. Great photos of you and Maude and Penny Perfect Pupper...Good Job!
Congratulations on being asked to become a member! Heck yeah! And all in your ADIDAS!
This looks like a blast. You and Maude have such fun adventures.
Was that a haunted Light House?
What a neat thing to be asked to become a member -congrats!!
Cooperstown looks a nice place-hope the gallery goes well.
It's a good name for a town with a brewery too!
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