(pitchers before and then after finished by Gary Rith)
So I am thinking "the wife is out of town, therefore I can scrape and paint around the windows upstairs, and do a sloppy job and she will NEVER NOTICE" but then I am realizing that it doesn't matter, because she and I are very yin and yang and I WOULD NOTICE a sloppy job and therefore if I am gonna do it, I am gonna do it carefully and neatly. Not as neatly as some, but not as slobby as my lazy self theoretically might do. Like around the kitchen when I clean up: as I say, me and the wife are yin and yangish, and SHE always notices all the crumbs and coffee spills in the microwave, the dirt along the baseboards, and I NEVER would notice that in a million years. However, a little peely paint around the windows? As much as I hate house projects, I gotta do it.
Except today I am like "who wants to paint, I wanna make more pitchers!" (see above--I am on a pitchers ROLL) but then I am walking the dog and John over in the immaculate pretty yellow house over by the PO is outside scraping and painting and he is like "hey, I saw you out at The Haunt Friday!" and its like, we were partying on 2 different sides of the same bar, anyway, I get to feeling like "dang, he is painting his place, now I gotta go paint ours" and as I start I find and kill 3 yellow jacket nests and later there is a HUGE 4th one, which I am still doing battle with. I hate yellow jackets. But scraping and priming is done, paint goes on Monday :)

Ugh.... painting the house! No fun in my book... but I still have the whole basement to mud/prime/paint. I feel your pain. ;)
We rent our little hippie house but we bought some really good outside paint and are preparing to scrape around windows and get this little house ready for winter. You have some awesome colors on your house. Our landlord would have a coronary if we painted other than white.
You certainly can't let the neighbors get away with painting while you are potting.
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