Asleep all day long.
Then, mischief! Party on Chip!
Party on Dale! Schwing!
Gary cannot sleep,
Spike cat gonna shred your azz,
No tears for chipmunks!

(bowls by Gary Rith) I am sorta fiddling around with the shape of these bowls on the right-whacking them on the top half. I tried it with a vase yesterday, looks super good.
Oh my... really? Chipmunks in the wall? Maybe you should get them a record deal. ;)
LOVE the haiku! The first one made me laugh; the second one made me Spikes personal cheerleader. Go, Spike!!
Forgot to say: gorgeous bowls!
great shot of penny, the one of her in the car a couple posts back is the best one ever. too bad about the fornicating rodents.
HA! I loved the poem!
Oh my gosh...this is hilarious. You made me crack up..go get 'em Spike!
I love the haikus. That's the only kind of poetry I can really wrap my head around.
lol lol lol...very funn! :) Chimpmunks make my "Rat Terriers" go mad! Oh um, madder than usual! lol lol lol...:)
I remember when we had chipmunks in the house we lived in around Freeville. I bang on the wall as a kid so I could go to sleep!!
Hmm. My suggestion..have a friend with a ferret? A bit macabre but effective. Or even more fun.. could release a little rat/king or milksnake into the wall. That'll cure the problem..albeit a bit slowly. Snake will eat one of the little buggers..go to sleep for a week..etc etc. And of course then there's the slight difficulty of retrieving said snake once the mission has been completed. So upon further reflection,definitely the ferret. Good luck.
Someone told me that if you scatter mothballs in the attic, the creatures will vacate. Anyone know if this works?
Excellent haiku! Go get 'em, Spike!
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