(Benji and 2 of his paintings that we have)
Many of you know my pal Benji, an artist who lives on the other side of Ithaca, and whom you have seen here at this blog misbehaving one way or the other (per usual, with the friends I have).
Our latest painting from Ben is in an almost secret spot now. I am embarrassed to say, I cannot remember for sure what I traded for it---maybe a bowl mold? ANYWAY, Ben is terribly generous and sweet natured and gave me this gorgeous little landscape this week in trade for....something last month. I feel like I am getting the better of this deal alright. The wife is like "we have several of his on the table (see wooden guy) so lets put this one where we can see it when we come downstairs!" which sounds like a bad idea, but is actually tres smart and beautiful :)
The Benji sure is a beautiful fellow ;)
I have a little sign with my favorite Abraham Lincoln quote in the same spot over my stairs. It's a little reminder to me every time I come downstairs.
What's your fave Abe quote, Kerry?
Those paintings are neato!
He sure is Knight, he sure is...
Ah, to be twenty years younger. Oh wait, let's see now, make that thirty years younger. How old is he anyway??? lol
I like those paintings!
jeez, knight, i still have a crush on you. good to see you back.
G-man! Thanks for the post brother. I think its a great spot. Capital M sure knows her stuff.
Totally agree about our friend Ben. I have one of his little landscapes, too. Keep it by my computer and see it many times a day. Inspired me to put a lavendar sky in one of my drawings.
I'm with Knight! >;-) he he!
You know, you actually could put two more pictures up on that wall you see while coming down the stairs. You know, more art and it'd balance that space nicely.
I like the wooden guy. ;-)
That Benji's almost as handsome as my denis.
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