This morning my rotten French scok monkey Georges Le Soq pulls out a big knife, and I see him sneaking up on Stanley Zuccini, who was having coffee and checking his facebook updates. Georges does his Jack the Ripper thing on Stanley, who was really quite HUGE, and then he is like
"Mon ami, we need to, how you say, dispose of le body. Get a wood zipper."
"Wood chipper you mean???" and he is like
"YES! Le chipper." and I am like
"Georges, I think a vegetable shredder will work fine...and GOD, I sure hope your probation officer doesn't see this..."

I knew it. I just knew it. Georges is a murderer! ;)
Oh my god, Georges! What have you done? Stanley never did anything to you! I'm horrified. Shocked and horrified.
OMG! just like the movie Fargo...
This is all a bit macabre. Are we canibals now? Also, tell Georges that he's outta here the minute I read about him in the police log in ANY newspaper.
OMG George, you are as evil as Salvadore now! I will have to ask Salvadore if he has been hanging around with you. I hope not for your sake....! I think you a and Salvadore have way too much testosterone for you own good! lol lol lol...:) Poor Stan! lol lol lol...I hope he goes to vegetable heaven. :)
Oh my gawd are now an accomplice to this horrible crime! You know Georges is gonna tell the police that you turned the handle on the shredder....
And you put his remains in my favorite bowl, Gary....OMG.
Did Georges watch "Fried Green Tomatoes" last night?
Although unlike those ladies who made the best BBQ evah, at least Stanley was a vegetable. Way to keep it all vegetarian! ;)
Zucchini Dessert from tastes exactly like apple crisp. I swear it's true because I ate half a pan of it last weekend.
did you get rid of all the evidence? i hope because no matter how rotten georges is i don't want him to end up in jail.
if the cops are getting suspicious Georges, do not runn to Canada!
Psycho killer!
Georges!!! Mon Ami! You are infected with the ghost of Dahmer! Be careful little sox monkey!
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