I drove a million miles all over NY state last week, delivering items here and there. A week ago we drove past the community where I went to high school, and the car lot where we have bought all our cars (even when we lived out of state) there was a 72 VW bug. I looked it up online when we got home. For kicks. Only 4 thou! The car lot has been there 44 years. The owners are still youthful, but suddenly very grey---they were my neighbors when I was in school, and their daughter Heather (A KNOCKOUT) was a year ahead of me, Lisa, (awesome) in my grade, and son Peter 2 years younger than me. We like and trust this family car dealer and he gives you a guarentee on a used car.
The town where I ended my high school career and where my parents have lived for decades is about an hour and a half from our place, but I went over Tuesday night to look at cars. I was talking to the wife about VWs on the cell while I was there. She was NOT going for the VW idea. She really really wanted to think more like little sedan subaru.
The point with our old green subaru outback is this: it just passed inspection, and we either keep it until it collapses (and in recent months it has suddenly developed a lot of rust and strange smells, noises and leaks) or try to trade it in while it is worth a few bucks. Our last car collapsed into a noisy heap in the driveway, and was towed off as a donation to the kidney foundation.
We took the last drive in the green outback yesterday morning and bought the new (to US!) used silver subaru sedan. Holy cats it is sharp and the price was excellent, and it has new tires and brakes and feels new. The green car never let us down. But it was time. And we stayed with subaru because they never let us down, and this is a snowy place---you really like that all wheel drive.
So we took our first road trip to
Purity Ice Cream, which for the first time ever has ice cream I can eat, dairy free soy! I had cookie dough and holy cats tis good...