(packing for a fair--just a few things....)
I was super tired Saturday and facing a show today, Sunday. It is my smallest show of the year, with friends and only a few miles from home BUT it is the first of four weekend shows in this, the busiest retail weeks of the year. It is exhilarating, this ride, but you get to December 24th pretty grateful the bank acct. is full and you can take a BREAK :)
Anyway, so things are in good order and I go out to this wee holiday festival at Temple Beth El after breakfast and walking the dog. BUT I was dreaming just now that I was so busy finishing pots and noodling around it was suddenly 2:30...and I thought I was late, having been due at the festival at 2, BUT reread the paper and found ZOINKS! I was due there by 8!
I never ever run late. I am the total organized early bird. Then, of course, I awoke in good order and here we go, into the fast lane :)
In other news, the cat knocked the wife's new spring hat to the floor and then tried to crawl into it and take a nap. Our cat in a hat....

Have a good festival. Our last outdoor one yesterday was well attended and sunny. Spike better watch out, his dad might end up writing books as well as blogs!
Good luck with the c o ming arkets. They are hard work but it is fun to see pots going to a new home.
The hat compliments Spike's eyes. Or vice versa.
I total understand, Spike. The hat smells like mama and the band cuddles you tight.
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