I went to put Penny's collar on before walking yesterday and...!!!!
She has always had a small cyst on her neck, size of a pencil eraser.
It was awful yesterday, big and swollen and bloody...I called the vet and said "we need to see you!" and Penny loves the vet...she loves everything, actually.
SO, at the vet she got a lot of treats and a lot of love and attention, which she likes and the doctor came in and wanted to do surgery.....and I was like "DO IT". So we did, me holding her. A shot to numb the area, a scalpel, a few flicks of the doctor's wrist, then some staples..... can you believe I assisted in that?
Well, Penny is FINE now. She came out of the exam room and the 3 people at the front desk said "she just had SURGERY?" because she was as cheerful and energetic as always....

Stay well. Penny!
What a wonderful girl Penny is. Sharing joy with the vet. Glad she's ok now.
Poor Penny! And poor Gary- that's so frightening. Was it just a cyst or maybe a wart? Minchy has a wart-like thing on his leg which normally is fine but sometimes it bugs him & he chews it at so it bleeds. What a good girl to not need to be knocked out!
Penny is a champ :-) You too, for assisting in surgery!
Whoa... that's a big deal! Brave Penny and brave Gary! Glad things are fine. Give Penny and Spike cuddles from me.
Sweet girl.
What a super girl Penny is!! And good for you for assisting!! So glad she's home and happy. 🐶
Good for her...giving us all a good example!!
It's always great when the vet can take care of things quickly. Penny sure is a good patient. Glad all is well.
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