(new cups by Gary Rith)
It has not been especially sunny and warm BUT a lot warmer at 52 degrees all day than we saw in January, so you could say we are getting there :) Where is there? There is our wonderful summer and beginning of RETAIL season! Potters have so much to do starting in May and going through Christmas. I mention this because I see at the top here my first art fair is next week! It is like you hibernate then suddenly leave your den looking for berries..... have an awesome weekend!
Good day to you, Gary.. Just getting caught up on 'my' blogs... Your work makes me smile! :).. the piggies Oh my!! You have a great weekend too..happy to report that it is a balmy 42F here today! We DID have 70F only last week, but only as a teaser, I'm sure... but Spring is here! :)..Ithaca looks lovely. Cheers, T.
We have had two days in a row! of sunny warmish weather. I hope you are enjoying the same with many sunny days ahead for sales!
Cute cups!
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