Step one is wander through the studio, pluck juicy items off the shelves to box and bring... that went pretty quickly--I selected pots, packed them into boxes along with my tablecloths and display, all into the car in about 1.5 hours... I time these things, a race against myself! (packup and car loading at the end? a very quick 45 minutes, hour drive home, 15 minutes getting the stuff out of the car into the studio again--15 minutes = QUICK..but I gotta unpack the boxes still) ANYWAY....

Also Friday afternoon is food prep. I made bread, scones and pizza, enough to last a couple of days... I had help...

Saturday, arrive 2 hours before the fair to set up. This was a small fair and my small display.
There was a door and courtyard behind me, totally in bloom and beautiful and nice to visit in quiet moments.

You know how in SEX AND THE CITY they were always sipping pink drinks??? I have never had a pink drink. So, Yogi's family calls after I am home and unloaded and says "pomegranite mojito on our deck????" and over we go.... it was such a great weekend and what an end! I find myself in looooove with pomegranite mojito WHATEVER is in there....
have a great Monday!

Your small booth looks pretty...hope you had lots of sales. We did well this weekend in Black Mountain. Mojites are the best way to get high fast, ah rum!
oh yeah for pink fruity, rum based drinks! haven't tried that one, i have fresh mint growing in the summer so mint mojitos are a pretty common thing after a day in the studio!
glad you had such a good weekend, small fairs like that are such a joy eh :P
here comes spring/summer - yeah!
Your set ups enhance your pots so well. It's pretty smart to have different configurations at hand. It's your set-up and tear-down times that are impressive.
Glad to see that your helpers are still enthusiastic. Yogi has cute down pat!
Toes crossed that the sale was good!
The display does look good, so does the cocktail.
The Mojito looks good. I couldn't do pink drinks for a long time. Something about street cred. Then we had a cocktail party and discovered Cosmopolitans. If you make them with fresh lime juice rather than lime cordial they are nice and sharp, which encourages you to sip them, which in turn is a good thing if you want to be able to get out of bed the next morning!
Pomegranate martinis are the bomb, but they are not so tall.
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