Godzilla eating
A tasty human being
Is hilarious!
I have to admit a thing or 2: I am not really into dragons and sh!t. Dragons have their place, but I really prefer cheesy, campy, destructive and awesome Godzilla and crappy B movie science fiction and toys from my childhood (see Beastie Boys video below, that is what I mean--they have the same inspiration). It is different, liking that stuff for a laugh and its aesthetic humor, compared to loving fantasy.
You know I have made a lot of monsters lately, but last Sunday night I was falling asleep, and you know this is why there is paper at the bedside: I start laughing, wake up, and tell the wife
"what if Godzilla was holding a bowl full of people to snack upon, like doritos????" and I doodled it out, as you see below. The appeal, to me as a potter and sculptor, is making a tiny little bowl on the wheel, as I would any other bowl, and incorporating it...hilarious indeed!
Last night I was like
"monsters having a teaparty???"

(pottery and sketch by Gary Rith)
I don't know: in light of the coming Superbowl festivities, I'm thinking more of popcorn.
Pass the salt.
Loving those Garyzillas....I like the whole shebang...from St. George's dragon to Godzilla to Komodo Dragons....not fussy here!
BTW the soda bread was delicious!
I like the gnome at the top!!!
Oh yes, a monster tea party would be fun.
I think I could get into monsters if they were having a tea party. This is hilarious!!! Love it.
Garyzillas! Chuckle. And that flippin' gnome at the top! These are so cool!
Love them seriously, but you keep forgetting the Ketchup...lol lol :)
They taste like chicken?
Crunch! Crunch! Crunch!
Love it!!!
Garyzillas! Yikes!
I'm not into dragons either...but yours are cute. Well, they are cute while eating humans!!!
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