but this elephant mug, a month ago, to Boston? Bizarre. You have tracking for a reason, and NY to Boston is usually an easy one-two day trip. This mug bounced around FIVE Boston area post offices, etc etc etc, and just got back here. Last week, being the angel that I am, in trying to make customers VERY happy, sent a replacement to the customer...which arrived safely in one day. The original finished its Boston sightseeing and arrived back here yesterday.....box OPEN as you see...but mug intact. WTF?

If you were wondering why I have made so much beer bread, pizza, beans etc lately, it is because I recently bought some new beers and....I don't like their flavor. Ick. But it is good for SOMETHING! Yesterday I tried a simple whole wheat beer bread recipe *** and holy CATS it is awesome and easy!

***simple whole wheat beer bread
Grease a loaf pan and preheat oven to 350
sift into large bowl:
1.5 cups white flour and
1.5 cups whole wheat flour
then stir into that:
4.5 teasp. baking powder and
1.5 teasp. salt and
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
then pour a 12 oz bottle of beer into that, stir to combine, using your hands in the bowl to knead it around until it is nicely combined, form into a loaf shape, place in greased pan, bake about 55 minutes

How does Spike get into almost every picture? Penny must be napping!
Love that bread. I did a slow rise beer bread...completely ad libbed with your recipe for reference. Made two pizzas...delicious! Bread baking now.
Go Spike! Be a helpercat!
The box was opened?! That is strange indeed. At least that is not normal operating procedures.
Strange that the box was even open... did the PO give a reason why they couldn't deliver it?
Spike looks like he wanted to take a big bite of beer bread.
Do you think this recipe would work with the oat flour?
Knowing the thorough way you pack your pots, I'm not surprised that the mug was okay even though the box was open. I love beer bread even though I do not like beer at all. Beer cheese soup too. Go figure. Hi Spike!
I was just reading about Kathy King's phone traveling all over Boston by itself...maybe it has something to do with Boston.
Lovely bread, and what a beautiful spot there where you eat your meals outside!
That looks delish and easy enough that I might even attempt it--even though I'm currently on a cooking hiatus.
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