YES, i sometimes bake with eggs, but never meat or dairy....
Spike got into the cupboard...and was stealing dog treats? Does he need dog treats????

AND OH YES here are some test tiles of decorating schemes I am working on....

WRITE TO ME! garyrith@yahoo.com Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
I have many apples left in my freezer- time for applesauce.
I have a family recipe for applesauce cake that is super good!
I like those test tiles Gary!
Oh yum! for the applesauce pie. I'm imagining a few cranberries and nuts thrown in.
Yes, of course kitties need dog treats. In this house anything Winter wants is fair game for the cats.
The test tiles are so cool......great designs and glaze!
I should add that the applesauce I had made was full of spice and raisins and apple chunks, but you could add anything. Imagine if you bought a jar of applesauce and a premade crust--it would take you about 3 seconds to make this delicious pie!
Also, people say "how do you make all that and stay thin?". WELL, that pizza there is our dinner last night and lunch today, the pie serves for breakfast for a few days. Neither of us has a very big appetite. Quite small, actually, as we are both about as big as 11 year olds, but we totally enjoy a tasty item :)
Yum, what a nice way to start the day.
does Spike really eat the dog bones?! I suppose by the size of him I should assume he does :-)
usually the cupboard is latched closed for safety!
yummy, I would have thought about making a tart or scones not pie, well done.
Yum! You are on a serious roll with tasty cooking these days. I would also add that one of the reasons you and your lovely wife are thin and healthy is that you eat real, good for you food and not a bunch of processed crap.
Spike, as always, is awesome!
Have you ever given us the recipe for your pie crust? Do you use shortening or ?????
The tiles are great and the clay coil eyes are wonderful!
If I had a dog, Homer would be after the dog treats for sure.
Joy, it is my mother's pie crust recipe, simple, uses oil and soy milk. I will share it. I am going to try an oat crust soon!
Spike ripping off Penny...
I can see a mug decoration in this...
My oh my...pie pie pie!!
Spike needs to refrain from the dog treats. I'm just saying :)
I love homemade applesauce--I used to make it all the time. The smell of the apples is almost the best part!
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