OK, so above? You will recall I mentioned finding a squirrel skull...such a tempting photo subject! With some fossils I found around our house....upstate NY was once a massive ocean...
Below? Penny and I were at Cornell's wildflower garden....the huge leafed thing seems to be called GREEN DRAGON...and makes my beagle look SMALL! The sign does not warn that the plant will eat small animals and children....

This rather extravagant bench, sculpture and sundial is outside the wife's office, we had a picnic there Thursday...

Pretty teapot with a bamboo handle, hmm? The wife told me "you got it all right here!"

You may need a pretty frog mug, on sale now at my etsy gallery!

Good thing Penny didn't know that was a Venus Beagle Trap plant!
Great teapot as always!
The bamboo handles are the bomb...
It's a time for GREEN!
Great teapot!
wow, the ferns are bigger than Penny also.
The bamboo handle does look nice, it works well with that glaze.
I love that dogs are welcome to wander in those gardens...and I love the non dog/child eating plants.
That skull? kinda creepy and kinda cool too.
Out of curiousity could you glaze the skull ?
Out of curiousity could you glaze the skull ?
My favorite part of your teapot is the spout. What do you suppose the griffin has to say to the beagle, or vise versa? They definitely look interested in each other.
that teapot certainly has EVERYTHING going for it!
i would have taken that skull home too... it would go great with the other three hanging in my living room (steer, large goat of some sort, and horse jaw bone).
I don't think you could glaze the skull--bone ash is sometimes used as a glaze component, suggesting that something happens to bone at high (2200+) temps, as in, it melts somehow :)
That teapot is fabulous! I love the speckles on the glaze of the top and lid. Lovely flower/beagle pics too!
That skull is the coolest. I need it.
Love both the teapot and the mug. AND what a perfect place for a picnic in the sunshine.
your greens are great and I am drooling over those large leaves what couldn't do with them.
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