When the going gets tough, dragons gonna get going....
WRITE TO ME! garyrith@yahoo.com Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10;
December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar.
All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
Thursday, May 3, 2012
here in my...
SNOOPY HAT! I was in Cooperstown the other day and, well, you can buy nearly any baseball cap imaginable there! The only one I wanted, and I browsed happily over hundreds, was an awesome fitted grey and striped cap from the 1919 White Sox....size HUGE, not my size (I had the cap but lost it 20 years ago, I still have the 1919 White Sox jersey...its badass...should show it to you sometime...you will also recall I had lived in Chicago many years with the wife and around the time the movie 8 MEN OUT came around, there was good gear in that logo)
Anyway, so I see hundreds of hats, I already have 3 Yanks caps, and I come home wanting something I had NOT seen: a blue Snoopy hat. I did not know if such a thing existed. On the interwebs? THINGS LIKE THAT exist indeed. This guy is vintage and just came in the mail and now I am wicked cute.
Snoopy on back too....
Last week I told you I wanted to make a teapot with a car as a knob on top...and I did! Looks rather nice I think......
The hat, as Robert Palmer would say, is "Simply Irresistable!" I get all kinds of Snoopy gifts with "Joe Cool" on them. I will have to send some pictures.
- not sure which is cuter, Snoopy, you or car teapot. Way to go!
I LOVE SNOOPY and all things Peanuts.
excellent car teapot and i like the bamboo handle ones as well.
When we went to Cooperstown they had the You're In The Hall Of Fame, Charlie Brown exhibit. I made my kids pose in front of all the Peanuts stuff.
Very cool hat.
Love the hat & the teapot. Does Penny act like Snoopy? Dori sure does and she's only 1/2 beagle.
I hope you wear the Snoopy cap when you are out with Penny!
That auto teapot has personality plus!
OH YES, Penny = Snoopy :) and I will surely wear the hat every time she and I are out....
Love the car teapot! The Snoopy hat is also very cute - as a fellow beagle owner, I see so much of my real beagle in Snoopy, too.
The hat, as Robert Palmer would say, is "Simply Irresistable!"
I get all kinds of Snoopy gifts with "Joe Cool" on them. I will have to send some pictures.
A girl in my kindergarten class had snoopy glasses. A tiny little snoopy on each side. I was sooo jealous of them.
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