(mugs by Gary Rith) This is my sort of punk doggy, not my usual beagle. I was making one for a teapot and decided to add these to the baby blue mugs...mmm...yummy, eh?)
With the gluten free guests this weekend, with my own (although I am vegetarian no dairy) high cholesterol (inherited, its in my genes) and low iron levels, plus, of course, the usual interest in varied protein sources, I wanted a NEW oat flour muffin recipe!*** I love this recipe that I found, love love love! So easy, so tasty! Apparently, due to wheat shortages in WW One, somebody developed an oat flour muffin.
You say "who cares, what is Gary's point?". Well, as you know, some people are better off without wheat. Some are gluten intolerant. As a vegetarian with low iron, high cholesterol and needing protein, oat flour has: cholesterol fighting properties, iron and protein and fiber, HA!

***Oat Flour Muffins
2 1/2 cups oat flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 egg, well beaten
2 tablespoons molasses
1 tablespoon melted shortening
plus I added one cup blueberries and 1/2 cup nuts....try something like that yourself!
plus I added one cup blueberries and 1/2 cup nuts....try something like that yourself!
Mix dry ingredients together in a mixing bowl. Add milk-I used soy milk, the egg, molasses and shortening-I used oil. Bake in greaseded [muffin] pans twenty-five minutes at 350. This may be baked in a bread pan and sliced when cold.
Like those punk puppies. They have attitude!
I'm not a big fan of whole oat muffins as they are generally eat like sinkers. However, these look light and muffiny. I wonder how they would be with dried cranberries.
I added blubes--these ARE nice and light and muffiny and fluffy!
You make the yummiest things.
Cute dogs, and the muffins sound great.
The only sugar is 2 teaspoons of molasses?
That might fit into our #$%^*&#@ diabetic diet!
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