I will admit, this is the closest I have ever come to a$$less chaps...many of you will recall, this was a recurring joke a year or 2 ago, thanks to Goofy Kim...the wife and I were shopping Saturday in Syracuse and I had a close encounter with these things....luckily they were LARGE so I was not tempted to bring them home ;), plus, you know, maybe they were GERMY.....

The wife and I had brunch at Alto Cinco in Syracuse.....holy cats we love that little place...this is all veg of course, and lookit the wife, in the cowboy hat!

We picked up clay from Andrew and his family, who own my supplier Clayscapes in Syracuse...if you are guessing we use Clayscapes as an excuse to shop at our favorite stores and eat at our favorite places, you would be correct....

The wife will complain "you put all these pictures up, of the same thing!" Well, in the case below, I deleted MANY...and in one I have the tarts on a plate! These are gluten free, dairy free (the way I used soy milk and cheese) little mushroom tarts...fantastic, and easier than you think, basically a wee little QUICHE!

Clay and an excuse to shop and eat out....business fun and yum!
Just curious...what is your favorite clay body? I think we all ache to see you in chaps...perhaps over the penguin pants?
Love those little tartlets......and what is that tee you are wearing?
That tee may be my favorite of all: a polar bear from Life is Good boys' :) I use miller laguna clay #55.
and the black tee, if that is the one you asked about, is a pirate Snoopy....maybe my favorite ;) I have 2 of them!
One day you will find a$$less chaps in your size. yup, that day is coming.
Dude, you need to open a vegan restaurant in your next life. Seriously.
Great quiches!
Your wife ROCKS a hat. Looking good there, Mrs. Rith.
Those chaps don't look very vegan either.
Tarts! Yes!!!
Azzless chaps...Nooooooooo!
fresh clay and little mushroom tarts - both yummy in their own way!
the day you own azzless chaps could be the day that Georges Le Soq returns from France (or wherever he went).
Where is the "Like" button when I need it?!
Those little mushroom tartlets are to die for. My mouth is filling up with saliva!
Hot cocoa is better with Vegemil A plain soymilk (note: Korean brand, very "creamy").
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