And speaking of cute couples, Saturday we go to a wedding: the couple has been dating 13+ years...since they were 12 years old!!!!
OK, this bowl? Last week I have 2 AWESOME visitors to the studio. I am showing off, I have a big chunk of clay, I make a huge bowl....and later? Because one of the visitors has a beagle too? I make a beagle on the rim...eating the bowl....

(new pottery by Gary Rith)
It is wonderful...I feel like it's a Winnie bowl now!! I had a freind over the other night and I was showing off your pottery and she said Wow you have quite a collection...I let her know I've only just begun, thank you for a wonderful visit, I'll wait to see the bowl at Jacci's.
Cute bowl, I hope it doesn't give my dogs any ideas.
Thanks for the sweet story.
cute! love the multi shaded glaze too.
chow hound!
Yes- I love the look of love- sweet older couples helping one another=love!
I love where you are going with the animals eating rims!
The bowl is adorable!
Have fun at the wedding...they have quite the love story don't they? I wonder who long the 80+ couple have been together? 90 years???
(second try to leave commenT) Hi Gary...your bowl with little dog is precious...and the idea of animals eating their dishes...hope that catches on with people, and the animals continue to not eat the real dishes, if you know what I mean.
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