OK, so as you know, traded in the outback for this cute little silver subaru sedan. But shoot! Whaddya do with the trash when you go to the dump???? God that is horrible, riding around with this can on its side. I gotta figure something out, like use a bag? The sedan is funny: it has a little panic button in the trunk in case you get locked in, you can get yourself out. How am I supposed to, um, operate my debt collection and, um, trash management business if the people I throw in the trunk can get out???? Maybe if they are dead first.....limits your options though.
The lady at the grocery store made a mistake and me and my eagle eyes caught it and got a couple of dollars back at the service counter, YES! I went down to purity ice cream and got myself a junior sized cup of dairy free cookie dough ice cream---holy shirt that is delicious...i think the lady thought I was sexy because she gave me an ENORMOUS junior cup. Prob my new glasses and hot new silver subaru sedan.....

Oh you know it! Hot glasses, on a famous pottery artist! How could you get any hotter, and just like an artist, cookie dough ice cream, driving around with a garbage can in the back seat...I mean really, can one get anymore "Campy"? You are "Cool" cousin! :) Love the new car, has about as much room as our house...lol lol lol...cramped is cozy! :)
You'd be surprised how much you can fit in a small car. The record so far for a trip to the dump with the Accent ('99 hatchback, 5-speed manual) is 420 kg.
my little car hold tonnes of stuff! Last trip to the pottery supply place, India and I had been camping in NB. we had the car full of camping gear pots and medieval gear, stopped and added 500 pounds of clay. and variious other supplies. When I pulled the little matrix around to load up, the clay. Peter(supply Guy) was amazed, and said I just love a girl who can pack a car well.....
You can always take the garbage bags out of the garbage can, thus leaving the can at home whilst out doing dasterdly deeds! Your smoking, sassy new wheels must attract the ladies out there....
You can fit a trash can in the back! That's not too tiny. I don't know how people with little 2 door cars do it.
Vases most excellent, Dude!
I expect any car I own to be able to transport heaps of stuff, nonchalantly. My old Volvo 240, I could load up to go do a pottery demonstration evening, wheel and raku kiln, clay, boxes of pots to sell, all without even folding the back seat.
I was given a Subaru pick-up once, did a job for an old guy, mentioned that my car was likely to fail its test in a month or so.. and he said "That Subaru out there any good to you? You'll be doing me a favour if you just take it, I can't drive any more"
A year's motoring almost for free, then I sold it and bought the Volvo.
How about a little trailer for runs to the dump? Useful things, trailers.
You still can't make me give up my minivan. It's where we keep the clowns. ;)
The non dairy ice cream sounds promising. I suppose my using a sharpie to write "organic" on the cookie package doesn't really cut it. Thanks again for the blog, sure brightens the day!
Jim uses our little Chevy cobalt and goes to the dump. No can - just bags. But we put 3-4 kitchen bags of garbage in a large black bag for transport. No leaks. It's a weekly run, so perhaps two large black bags per week at $.50 cents per bag because he's old! lol. Recyclables are in another large black bag.
Hey, thats why I got a bigger car - to haul more stuff! Get bungie cords and put the can in the trunk.
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