You're sorta shocked to find that, as nice as September is, we are halfway through! October can have nice days, but we always get some snow too. You're like, man, it just goes DOWNHILL from here...
When Penny goes outside at the end of the day she has to come racing back in and tell me all about good lord she is adorable and sweet natured. And a little heavy on the kidneys and full belly....
I am fiddling with the mugs below, kind of a nice effect eh?

AND now, you can get this gorgeous teapot I made plus other stuff at my etsy gallery!
You know it's no longer summer when you don't mind the warm, heavy weight of a sleeping dog on your chest. :)
Re your comment on my blog.."well, you can always get rid of the moosehead behind a bush too, eh?"
That would be a bit easier for you than for me. :P :) And good use of the word "eh".. you could be an honoUrary Canuck. ;)
Nooooooo!! Don't make September go so fast, we just got here!
So funny, for us it is all UP HILL from here. It will start to cool off to nice temps and our skin won't melt walking to the mailbox in October.
Penny could hurt my kidneys too. :)
Am coveting that teapot for my collection. I will be checking out your etsy shop. Also, love those new mugs.
Love the Teapot, but oh so love the luxurious laying with the pets, leopard pillow, and just taking a snooze....If you ever did do pet sitting, you would need wall to wall bed...lol lol lol...:) Oh but you would all be happy! :)
LOVING that tea pot... it looks like the glaze has a little rutile (sp?) in it... a fav of mine. :)
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