I had been invited to the NY state vessels invitational exhibit held at the
Cooperstown Art Association, about 2+ hours drive from Ithaca. It went very well, and was an honor to be asked. I sold stuff, and Saturday we returned to grab the leftovers. BONUS: they asked me to become a member, and come back and participate in their holiday show. HECK YEAH! The art association galleries are in this ancient stone building with columns.

We brought Penny and peanut butter sandwiches. It was like 72 and sunny, golden trees everywhere, and Cooperstown's waterfront and mountains are absolutely beautiful.

ANOTHER BONUS: driving home we wondered if we would find
Butternuts Brewery. You hear me talk about cow beer or pig beer, because there are cows or pigs on the Butternuts Brewery cans. We tripped over the brewery and did a sudden pull off--I was so excited! I love cow beer and pig beer! So, the brewery is in this old barn in the middle of nowhere, run by CHUCK, seen here. There are no visitor centers or tastings or anything, just big tanks, a canning machine, Chuck, and a woman in the background enjoying a pint. There is all kinds of construction going on outside, who knows what Chuck here is planning? Like maybe that tasting bar and store we all might like to visit...We told Chuck we had looked long and hard to find him and that we love the beers, the cans, and the