"you're not growing a soul patch are you?" and I am like
"WHAAAAAAT?" and she starts to say
"well..." and I am like, at the mirror and tell her "NO! Not a goat either! I am just too lazy to shave. Maybe that part grows faster?"
And I remark....

...."btw, whassup with the all black outfit?" and she is like
"the boss is out of the office today. I am gonna go all NINJA on that copier's azz today" meaning she plans to (try to) fix it, which is a filthy dirty prospect, with the ink and all...
and earlier I am like "OH SPIKE is so cute in your arms!" and I am grabbing the camera and she was like "make sure you get the pig on my robe and NOTHING else", like bare flesh or her Cat in the Hat PJs....

Maybe you SHOULD grow a soul patch?
I day dream about the day I get to go "Office Space" on my laptop.
Ever seen Joe Dirt? "So, what you're telling me is that it just grows in all white trashy like that?" ;)
Awwww. Spike AND a little pig in the same photo.
I want to live at your house ... really! It looks cosy and warm, with very funny people and lovely pets.
(I don't think I crossed the line, I don't think there's anything stalkerish in this comment. If there, I didn't intend it. In fact, I actively checked it out so you wouldn't think of it ... going now ... giggling a little bit.)
Pssst. Don't look now, but your wife is cozied up to a mammoth stripped ball of fur...and he looks like he's plotting something. World domination? Dastardly schemes?
Perhaps how to dismantle your camera? Kitty looks displeased, is my point. Cute, but displeased.
I also like your wife's Ninja moves. Show that copier who is boss, Wife of Gary!
Porwu no? It's YOUR house, you set the rules. Read on. Just don't let this one disappearbefore it even leaves my computer, as the previous brilliant remark did. Mike seems to be grinning like he's one happy fella there in Maude's arms. Smart cat!
Oh my goodness, I do love Office Space!! Did your wife do an "Office Space" today??
Maude makes a bad ass ninja. She needs a ninja name. Like the Black Dragon!
Don't grow a soul patch.
I love that cat!
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