(dishes by Gary Rith) Becky Jo last week is like "I am making little tiny dishes for teabags" and I am like "hey, I could try that!" and she is like "make a piggy on its back showing its belly!" which is a brilliant idea, and then I made some others....I'd say they are good for lots of things, even as spoon rests or as a small candy dish....

Twas a totally windy day yesterday, windy and COLD but we took one of the kites over to the park and holy cats twas fun....

Emily lets it all hang out---you probably don't want to visit us anymore, do you, seeing how we act at the table with the cats and dogs....

Tony came along to fly kites....

this is the wife's back, looks kinda stormy eh?
Yah, t'was freezing up here as well. Kites are awesome. I have directions to build a camera rig to go under one, but I haven't built it yet. Maybe this year. :-)
Not so much windy as it was cold, yesterday, here. Same for today with LOTS of rain.
I'm udderly amazed at the cow dish.
Nice widgets! The little teabag/candy/spoon thingies are multifunctional, so I'm calling them widgets (also a nickname from my youth). :)
I told Brian "Gary is going to fly kites today" and he said "Oh, is it too windy for their planes?" :)
damn amigo... it looks colder than a well-digger's ass.
It was a super windy here too! Just sitting in the car at a traffic light the wind was making the car shake. I didn't even think about getting a kite though. ;-)
Love the little tea baggies plates. Just no tea baggers please. Those guys give tea a really bad rap.
I'm with Kimberly!
Find any kite-eating trees??
Holy Cats!! Kites and cute lil' plates. You are tres' cool!!
I would use those little dishes for the occasional wet cat food I give to Chief. Especially if it had a mouse on it. :)
I love those tea-bag dishes, especially the cows!
Ages since I flew a kite... I went once to an international kite flying competition, saw some awe-inspiring things, there was a team with a man-lifting kite, a copy of design from about 1900, phew. I wouldn't trust it, the wind's too fickle.
But I make and throw a mean boomerang!
As long as you didn't find any kite-eating electrical lines, all is well, no?
Looks like fun!
Not a lot of wind here, but goodness it was cold! What happened to my spring?!?
Off on vacation in the AM -- guess where? :)
Looks like a great kite-flying day! I haven't done that in ages...Love the little spoon rests (thats what I would call 'em) they are fantastic!
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