(teapot by Gary Rith, speaking of frogs)
Somebody said to us last year "you never sit on your couch, do you?" and man, is that true! Buster and Emily fill it out this time....

Flyleaf...YES, so loud, so good
WRITE TO ME! garyrith@yahoo.com Come see me! Open studio HERE! November 25-26 (11-4 each day); Aurora Art and Design, daily until 12/24; Cooperstown Art Assoc. daily until 12/24; Ellis Hollow Community Fair, 12/10; December 10, Little Red Wagon at the Space at Greenstar. All material on this blog unless stated otherwise is copyright Gary Edward Rith 2016
BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That's excellent!
Naughty joke! But DANG funny.. thanks for the chuckle this morning. :)
We had a visit from 'our' family pooch this past weekend..and no couch time for him as he would take up the WHOLE thing. I posted a picture of Hudzyn, Gary, as a contribution to the 'dog pic of the week'. :)
Cool frog tea pot!
Cheers, T.
Sent you a message. Community is totally stealing your style.
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