"man, can I pick up the kiln?" and I am like "YEP" so Benji comes over and he makes pots but his kiln is kaput and I have this thrid little kiln collecting dust...

and we are out there loading up and Benji is like "where's the phtotographer getting the action photos?" but there is only ME and my camera and we load the little kiln up....

as you know I am in the mood to make wee little teapots all day long....

my favorite part is FINISHING pots and I was joking yesterday that it would be fun to have somebody to throw the parts for me to assemble...but that is not true...here is what went into the teapots above....

Farmer's wife is thinking about teapots herself, except she sez PINK with red spots maybe? I try red with pink spots (left) and it does NOT work very well, but the tile on the right looks very good....

AND YOU KNOW I live for pizza....and burritos.....

you make some mighty fine teapots GR.
And the pizza- divine!
Hey! I have that same baking stone! ;-)
Pizza looks yummy!
I agree, the tile on the right worked out much better. I like to see'em spots. :-)
I think it'd make a nice spotted cow teapot. :-)
Man-o-man that pizza looks GREAT!
From a kiln to a pizza. I hope lugging that monster to the car was worth the effort.
That pizza looks so great!!!!
You are so nice to share your kiln!
New Restaurant in town:
Pizza, Burritos and Teapots!
instant success.
That's an action packed day. But a day that ends with pizza can't be all bad.
I love pizza.
A true friend shares his kiln with you. And then makes pizza!
I like Ben in bed, much better. Mmmm hummm. ;)
Where's Celeste been lately???
teapots are looking great as always amigo... i can't get over the shot of the kiln in the backseat. sometimes i wish i could take my kiln out for a ride
Umm...could you Fed-Ex me a pizza just like the one in the photo?? Please??
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